InvestorPay is Computershare’s foreign currency payment solution using Hyperwallet so investors can now receive funds directly into their local bank account, in their local currency.

Secure transactions through provider Hyperwallet

Simple one-time registration

Faster funds access directly to your bank account

How will the payment process work?
When a payment is made to an overseas investor who previously received their funds by New Zealand dollar cheque:
- You will receive an email from Computershare advising the payment is pending, along with a link to the payment advice. This payment advice will also advise you that the payment will be paid via Hyperwallet.
- A separate email from Hyperwallet will to be sent to your nominated email address asking you to activate your account with Hyperwallet, select your local currency and nominate a bank account in which to receive the payment. The email will be sent from please ensure you add this to your email address list so that emails are received and not sent to your spam.
- The payment will then be made, net of fees, and should be received within a couple of days after registration. Subsequent payments will not require you to register with Hyperwallet, the payment will automatically be converted to your elected currency and paid directly to your nominated bank account. You will receive an email from Hyperwallet confirming the payment. You can view the status of your payments and history at any time after you have activated your account by visiting
What information will I need to register with Hyperwallet?
You will need your CSN or holder number to register with Hyperwallet. You can locate your CSN or holder number in your most recent dividend or interest payment statement. Hyperwallet may require you to meet their Anti Money Laundering checks (AML) by providing proof of identification and address. The required documents will differ depending on the country where you reside. If the registered holder is a company then it will be required to provide additional information including articles of incorporation and director information.
What is the minimum payment amount?
The minimum payment amount is NZ$10.00. For any dividend or interest payment amounts that are less than the minimum, these payments will be withheld until there is a combined payment amount greater than NZ$10.00 at which stage you can request the payment to be made.
Can I receive my payment in a currency that isn’t my local currency?
Payment will be made to a local currency bank account in the country of the registered address held by Computershare. Alternatively, you can elect to receive your payment in US dollars to your local bank account. Please note if you elect to be paid in US dollars it will incur an additional fee from Hyperwallet. You will be notified of this fee before your payment is processed. If you have an existing PayPal account, you can elect to receive your payment in a number of the major currencies as determined by PayPal from time to time.
Still have questions?
Please read the FAQs and Terms and Conditions for further information or fill out the form below to sign up.