The SEC recently issued rule amendments and proposed rule amendment new rules that may impact your SE​C filings. Here's what you​​ need to know to ensure you remain compliant in all your SEC EDGAR filings:

Exhibit Hyperlinks:

Who: Companies with documents listed in exhibit indices to registration statements and other filings including 10-Qs and 10-Ks.

​​What: The amendent rules require an exhibit that is "incorporated by reference" to link to the original exhibit previously filed on EDGAR.

When: The new requirements take effect for most issuers on Sept. 1. Commenters overwhelmingly supported the proposal, and the SEC encourages early compliance.  If your fiscal year-end is Dec. 31, you will be required to be in compliance with your Q3 filing.

Why: The amended rules are intended to facilitate easier access to these exhibits for investors and other users of the information.

​​Inline XBRL "iXBRL" Update:

Who: Public companies and mutual funds using eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL).

What: The proposals would require the use of Inline XBRL (iXBRL) for SEC registrants.

When: The proposed amendments also state that the iXBRL requirements for issuers financial statements would be phased in over a three-year period, possibly starting in 2018. We will update you when this proposed rule amendments are finalized.

Why: The Inline XBRL proposal would have the potential to benefit market participants while decreasing, over time the cost of preparing information for submission to the SEC.

For Foreign IFRS filers, we've put together a quick infogr​​aphic overview to provide you with all you need to know about the recent SEC notice of availability of IFRS taxonomy.

Computershare can assist you with complying with these new SEC filings requirements. We offer our clients a flat-fee pricing structure to manage all your SEC filings, most clients reduce their regulatory filings fees by over 30 percent with our full-service and cost-effective EDGAR filing solution.

Click here to learn about our EDGAR Filing Services or email for additional information.


Foreign IFRS filers

We've put together an overview to provide you with all you need to kn​ow about the recent SEC notice of availability of IFRS taxonomy.

View Infographic​​