​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Simple. Reliable. Electronic processing.

​​​Section 16 Manager™ automates the creation, management and submission of SEC corporate insider forms. Our web-based Section 16 Manager™ supports multiple users and can be accessed from anywhere allowing users to share data seamlessly.

Aid in compliance. Reduce risk. Lower cost. Save time.​

Our Section 16 Manager™ platform tracks all insiders, holdings, transactions, footnotes and balances, empowering you to take control of your SEC Section 16 requireme​nts.

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    One-click filing capabilities

    One-click form filing and status retrieval from EDGAR ensures convenience and hassle-free filing.

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    Ledger balance database

    Track holding balances, transactions, changes, filings and audit trails.

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    Automated filings

    Easy-to-use filing wizards and streamlined form generation and filing.

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    Direct data imported from EDGAR

    Populates real data extracted from disseminated filings with zero switching costs.


​Join our client community

​Let us show you how our Section 16 Manager™​ can offer you and your board a secure, convenient and cost-saving platform to streamline your regulatory filings. Schedule a demo today to learn more. 

We support EDGAR filing services for all your corporate needs

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