​The first-ever ESPP Day played to a sold-out room of 70+ attendees. Held at the Convene Meeting Center in New York, NY on February 8, 2018, attendees heard from industry experts ​​​on topics ranging from ESPP Fundamentals to design considerations, expensing ESPPs, employee communications and more.

Below are some hot tips and fun facts heard at the New York event.​

ESPP Day New York – Hot Tips and Fun Facts​​

Keynote speaker Dr. Joseph Blasi, Professor, R​utgers University
  • ESPPs were created by corporations and business owners, not the government.
  • Employees not participating in their company's ESPP leave an average of nearly $4,000 annually on the table.
Jessica Laddon, Senior Relationship Manager, Computershare
  • A good term sheet is key to plan implementation.
  • Set goals for your enrollment to measure its success. Refer to benchmark studies on ESPP enrollment based on plan design and industry. Computershare offers such benchmark research based on its own clients' enrollment data.
  • Assembling the right implementation team members is critical to a successful implementation. That includes the right partner to administer your ESPP.
Kurt Grunsfeld, Executive Director, HighTower Advisors
  • Poor financial health affects your employees and your business—78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck and 61% can't cover a $1,000 emergency without borrowing.
  • ESPPs can help employees achieve financial wellness.
  • As of 2017, nearly one-half (49%) of employers offered some type of financial advice, which included providing resource materials or referrals, online assessment and advice tools, and group instruction and one-on-one advice with a financial counselor.
John Hammond, Associate Partner, Aon Equity Services
  • When focusing on engagement, focus on impacting perceived value of the ESPP.
  • People who flip their shares can love an ESPP just as much as those who hold their shares.
  • Longer term video assets should be divided by topics, e.g., overview, enrollment, tax basics, etc.​