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For more than 35 years, we've been the largest global transfer agent providing advisory services, communications and technology solutions to many of the world's leading companies. We facilitate shareholder recordkeeping and communications, stock transfers for individual holders and annual meetings, as well as dividend disbursement for public and private companies.

Our clients know they can count on our investment in resources, years of industry leadership, locations throughout the world and commitment to service to form long-term relationships that produce real business results.​​​

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Latest news and insights

  • 10 FEB 2025

    BNY Sends Largest Instant Payment in U.S. History, $10 Million, Following Transaction Limit Increase

    Read More
  • 7 FEB 2025

    Employee share plan trends and practices in Asia

    Read More
  • 6 FEB 2025

    How a CLO Trustee Can Free You Up to Focus on Strategy

    Read More

​We put the most comprehensive suite of transfer agent services to work for you

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    Advisory services

  • communicate-icon (SVG)

    Shareholder communications

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    Stock transfer

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    Annual meeting

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    Dividend disbursements

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    QuickCert stock certificates

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    Investment plans

  • currency-exchange-icon

    International currency exchange

The Issuer Online™ website – manage shareholder data securely and conveniently

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    Portfolio account management

    Get around-the-clock access to shareholder data including account balances and payments, dividend reinvestment information, statements and correspondence. Information is easy to access and available when and where you want it.

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    Advanced reporting

    Through our online reporting tool, you can specify criteria such as classes of stock, dates, ranges and share amounts to develop the custom reports you need. Clients also have access to a range of statistical information and management reports such as top holders, range of shares and geographic summary. These dynamic reporting capabilities give you the ability to tailor reports specifically for your needs and offer you a complete look at your company’s shareholder information.

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    Shareholder or annual meeting management

    Our Issuer Online™ website enables you to initiate a shareholder meeting and calendar all of the critical activities to make the meeting a success. Through Proxy Watch™, you can also view voting stats and real-time tabulation results.


Private companies need recordkeeping too

Our expertise and resources also support private securities and exempt offering recordkeeping needs. Capital markets have seen strong activity in Regulation D private placement offerings, and the Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) new Regulation A / Regulation A+ rules promise to generate even more investment activity with private companies. 

These new ways of raising capital are great for spurring investment in your company, but also mean greater scrutiny and oversight from regulators.

Through our secure web portal, you and your financial partners can easily access, manage and report on important investor information.


​Stock Issuances Ownership Transfers​ ​Restricted Securities ​Pre-IPO Planning
​Investor Communications ​Payments and Tax Reporting ​Meeting/Proxy Services ​IPO Transfer Agent Services


 To inquire about our private securities, Regulation D, Regulation A or Regulation A+ offerings, please email us at privatesecurities@computershare.com.​​

Reconnect shareholders to their unc​laimed prope​rty

We can help you satisfy federal and state abandoned property requirements while reducing costs, fraud exposure and audit risk with:​​​

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    PostMerger CleanUp™

    Reunite shareholders with their assets clearly and transparently following a merger, acquisition or reverse stock split.

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    Shareholder CleanUp

    Help lost or unresponsive shareholders claim assets that are at risk of being escheated, such as when the original shareholder is deceased or has an invalid address.

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    Small Shareholder (Oddlot) CleanUp

    Assist lost or unresponsive shareholders with fewer than 100 shares.

​Redu​ce your shareholder management costs through our unclaimed property solutions.​​


Let's Talk

Complete the form below to speak to someone about how you can get more with Computershare as your transfer agent.