Let Computershare position you for a successful virtual shareholder meeting

Nearly everything changed over the past year and we've become accustomed to meeting virtually with video rather than in-person. Shareholder meetings have also evolved to enable virtual participation for issuers and their shareholders in a meaningful, modern and digital way.

Holding your shareholder meeting virtually or incorporating a virtual component enables increased shareholder access and participation. It also gives you a new opportunity to make an impression on your investors and think bigger and bolder when it comes to your broader shareholder engagement strategy.

Computershare Hybrid Meeting Solution

Video options to meet your needs

Doing business over video has become common recently, making video the new norm. Your shareholders now expect you to use video at your annual meeting so they can see and hear your speakers. Talk to us about video options for your meeting.

Interactive Q&A that puts you in control and creates positive shareholder experiences

Shareholders can easily type questions in the platform, creating a positive experience. Questions can be submitted before or during your meeting.

Trust a Global Partner that Managed 2,500 Virtual Annual Meetings in 2022 Alone

Computershare successfully managed over 2,500 virtual annual meetings globally last year. With this experience, we can help your virtual annual meeting go precisely as planned.

The Corporate Secretary's checklist for virtual shareholder meetings

This detailed and easy-to-use checklist combines Computershare's decades of annual meeting experience across the globe with new industry-informed recommendations to help you plan for a virtual or hybrid meeting.

View Checklist

Why Computershare

  • partnership-icon (SVG)

    One trusted global partner

    Trust the same partner who manages over 75M shareholder accounts for over 40,000 clients worldwide with your shareholder meeting.

  • security-icon (SVG)

    Rigorous security and risk protocols

    We invest millions in information security each year, maintain a 24/7/365 security operations center with teams around the globe and implement robust internal risk policies so our services remain secure, reliable and resilient.

  • expertise-icon

    Experience and value

    Service delivered by a highly experienced team at competitive market prices.


Your annual meeting, your way

You have high expectations for your annual meeting and you need it to go exactly as planned. You can trust Computershare to uphold your expectations and help you achieve your meeting outcomes.

Let's Talk About Your Virtual Annual Meeting Strategy.

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**Includes Computershare Canada Inc., Georgeson Shareholder Communications Canada Inc., Computershare Governance Services Ltd. and their majority owned subsidiaries operating in Canada (collectively referred to as "Computershare Canada").